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Apartments For Rent In San Diego In Good School District
Category posted in Other/General
Posted by: Prathibha04
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  xs2rmittal wrote on 2014-09-14 17:27:23

I am planning to move to San Diego with my family (1 kindergartener) around Oct-Nov. Can anyone help me in finding some nice apartments.

1) Apartments in either Ranchos/Del Mar/Poway School District or any other good school district within 5-15 miles radius of Scripps Drive where I can get school with rating 10.
2) I would like to have significant Indian community presence in the neighborhood and in the apartment community.
3) Also, wanted to check if there are any other areas I should consider. I do not know anything about San Diego.
4) Any other suggestions are most welcome

Thanks & Regards,

  Prathibha04 wrote on 2014-09-18 11:07:16
If you consider poway school District ,which is a very good school district..Rancho bernardo,4s ranch,Del sur are very Good options.Rancho bernardo is a little old community..

4s and Del sur is a new and developing community and with a new school called Design 39 in which studying system is completely new with Electronic device are used Del sur is becoming popular now :-)..hope it helps.

  xs2rmittal wrote on 2014-09-25 23:19:20
Hey Thanks a lot for the information. I would like to stay within Poway school district as it is near to my work place also. Could you please help with some good apartment names.

I came across apartments Carmel Summit and eaves rancho penasquitos. Could anyone tell me whether these apartments are good or not. I have heard that few apartments in that area are infested with Mold and bed bugs.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My email is in case you want to send some apartment details.

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