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Articles for & by Indian Community in San Diego
Articles for & by the Indian Community in San Diego. Post your article here and connect with the Indian community in San Diego & beyond.
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 Article Title Comments# read
  Rich Desi, Poor Desi and the Smart Desi. 1440812
  Interview with the Hollywood-Indian Actor Sanjay Madhav 034218
  Are Desi's Racists? 228000
  Snappy Comeback Lines 021962
  Most interesting q&a asked in a interview 120715
  My heart is missing you!! 019780
  Laloo 119413
  Morning Raaga 018888
  Hats ( Sex) Off to Google!  118882
  Never Argue With A Woman 018653
  My wife's husband 118496
  So she could love you, 118486
  Award winning joke 018065
  Bhangara Meltdown by NetIP San Diego 018034
  Mumbai Express 017702
  Going Bananas 117592
  sixth sense 017574
  Indian police 017423
  scars of love 017210
   DON'T EVER BE LATE 017185
  Fiorina, a doppelganger of Jayalalitha? 116764
  .....How people give explanations.!!!!!!!! for Leave.  015881
  Do You Know Some Facts.... 115667
  Do not complicate the issues 015603
  Review: ?The Village? by M. Night Shyamalan 015595
  Some pointers of life 115554
  A Rainbow Round the Moon 215512
  When your Boss finds you browsing at work! 015459
  Tongue Twisters 015382
  DESIALGIA 014930

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