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 Need A Nanny For 1.5 Year Old
 Date Posted: 2020-07-14 12:41:30   /  Email:
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We are looking for a nanny for our almost 1.5 Year old boy. He is a very active and likes to read books, play, dance to music and enjoy little walks around the community. We live in the Miramesa area.

Me and my wife will be working from home possibly for the next few months and we need some one to help with the kid.

It would be ideal if we can find some one who can stay with us with atleast for an year. In view of COVID 19, we are not going out for any necessities and we would expect the baby sitter also to practice social distancing and being cautious.

Pay depends on experience and negotiable.

Please call/text Sravan @ 408-705-3003 if you are interested.

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