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Couple Looking For Friends In The Mira Mesa
Category posted in Family
Posted by: indian002
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  indian002 wrote on 2024-02-04 21:02:03
We are a newly married South Indian couple in our early 30's living in IMT Sorrento valley. Looking to make friends around us. We like movies, board games, trying out new restaurants and other fun activities. Please reply to this thread if you want to hang out.

  Indhu007 wrote on 2024-02-13 16:26:38
Hi we are a Tamil Tamil with 2 year old toddler we live near Edward’s cinemas

  indian002 wrote on 2024-02-19 23:23:21
Awesome, we also know tamil,telugu,kannada. This is my email address Let's catch up sometime.

  Subi wrote on 2024-03-04 22:58:33
Hi, We are also a south indian couple in our 20's living in poway. Looking to meet new friends and have some fun time. My email id is

  Rachana_Carlsbad wrote on 2024-06-28 19:21:02

I am not sure if people are still checking this thread, but my spouse and I recently moved to the San Diego area, and are hoping to connect with people. Could you kindly respond to this message if you're still reading this thread?

Thanks so much!

  sd202223 wrote on 2024-08-24 14:45:45
Hey Rachana! I’m also interested. Can you let me know how can I reach out to you.

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