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San Diego Desi  »  Classifieds  »  Services Required
 Children'S Tech Workshop Facilitator Job Opportunity
 Date Posted: 2024-08-16 22:48:08   /  Email:
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We organize a one-day, in-person workshop for children aged 7-10, designed to introduce them to the world of technology and digital literacy. These workshops are conducted around the San Diego area only on weekends. We are looking to hire a facilitator who is proficient with computers, , operating Zoom meetings, and assisting with basic computer Wifi setup for kids. These workshops will be ongoing and held 2 to 3 times a month. and run for 8-9 hrs a day.

Position Details:

Role: Workshop Facilitator
Pay Rate: $20/hour

Assist with WiFi setup and device connectivity.
Operate Zoom and other digital tools during the event.
Provide basic technical support to young participants.
Oversee and manage the online aspects of the workshop.
Manage Registration Station for Workshop
We believe this is a great opportunity for students who are passionate about technology and enjoy working with children. It would be ideal for college freshman or sophomore students (junior or senior students are also welcome) seeking to apply their skills in a practical setting while earning some additional income.

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