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San Diego Desi  »  Classifieds  »  Rentals/For Rent
  2 rooms for rent in 5 bedroom house
 Date Posted: 2022-05-28 22:45:44   /  Email:
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Dear All,
We have two rooms available for rent in our oceanside house. Located right next to Camp Pendleton, the house is located in the perfect place for natural sunlight. The room has plenty of natural lighting, also. Inside is a queen-size bed that has storage areas inside it. The closet is very spacious.

We are a family looking for a professional and clean person. There is a bathroom included that will be shared with other members of the house. We stress that there be no drugs, alcohol, or any other types of illicit substances in the home, cigarettes included. Hopefully, we can connect and help you find the room for you. If you are interested then call me at 1-937-789-4069

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