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Looking For Good Players For Indoor Volleyball League
Category posted in Sports
Posted by: satya_sd
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  satya_sd wrote on 2016-07-27 13:35:36
Hi VB lovers,

I am trying to reach out to SD desi community to form a team for playing indoor volleyball league. If you know any non-desis who are interested, they are welcome too. The league plays co-ed games, so women are most welcome. The league is conducted all over San Diego, but I am mainly focusing on leagues played at Carmel Valley and La Jolla recreation centers.

The group we will be playing is competitive, so it is highly recommended that you have played at least in high school or you know you are good. We can always get better. Our current team was comprised of free agents and the range of skill varied too much to form a cohesive team and win. Since it is competitive and there is fee involved ($75 for 7 games), I believe it is only fair to make this request.

Please email me at or contact me at (310)985-9789.

Look forward to awesome VB team!


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