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Meet Other Fellow Indians In San Diego!
Category posted in Fun
Posted by: bhavika82
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  bhavika82 wrote on 2015-02-13 18:57:55
I want to have a get-together of Indian families. It would be a great opportunity to meet other fellow Indians and just have a good evening of food (Indian food of course!), drinks, music and entertainment.

I am an event coordinator and I see a need to bring the community together. I am a transplant myself and don't have any family here to speak of, but I do miss the culture and I want to do something about it.

So here's my idea: I coordinate a meet and greet for the Indian community. Tell your friends and family, and bring them to a venue where we can enjoy a fun night of entertainment and just hanging out, Indian style! Depending on how many people reply to this, I charge a very small fee for admission and for providing food and entertainment (including magic!), and we all have a great night! If this is something that interests a lot of people, I would be happy to do it once a month or even once a week. Oh, and it doesn't have to be exclusively Indian - bring your non-Indian friends too! The key is to get away from the computer and TV and socialize and be human and have FUN!

Please reply at if you think you and anyone else would be interested and I can start looking at venues, as well as planning a menu.


  avatar wrote on 2015-02-16 01:18:13
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