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Hiking Tomorrow
Category posted in Fun
Posted by: rain226
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  rain226 wrote on 2011-08-05 09:09:00
Date : August 6, 2011 (Saturday)

Meet at 7:30 AM, Start walking at 7:45 AM

Bring a Light, Water, and a Snack to Share

Mt Woodson

Shorter than the last few but more challenging. No time is too fast or too slow.
I'll be slow going up and it would still be a little on the hot side (my guess). The views from top are pretty amazing.

Once we reach the top we can hang out and enjoy the view if you wish before we head back.

Hike Distance: about 3.4 miles round trip
Total Elevation gain: about 1500 feet
Hiking Time: 2 hours (?)
Trail: A Paved road (66%) , but quite the workout without the dust!
Difficulty: 3 stars out of 5 (moderate)

If interested, send an e-mail at


From: I-15N
-exit Scripps/Poway Pkwy head east all the way to Hwy 67;
turn left (North) for north 4.8 miles to the US Fire Station sign on left -
park on shoulder (go 3.0 miles from junction of Poway Rd* & Hwy 67)

From Highway 78 in Ramona:
-turn West (right) on Highway 67
-go for 6.2 miles to the USFS sign on right

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