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Tennis Partner in LaJolla/UTC/UCSD/Mira Mesa
Category posted in Sports
Posted by: Amol
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  Amol wrote on 2009-09-14 20:04:47
Looking for a tennis partner in the La Jolla/UTC/UCSD/Mira Mesa area

After 6pm during weekdays or anytime during weekends.

I used to be a 2.5-3 player but haven't played since 2 years or so.
So I am probably at about a 2.5 now.

  Vatsal wrote on 2009-09-18 23:00:00
Hey Amol,

I would be interested in playing tennis. I am probably at 2-2.5 too. I live in UTC and have time during the weekends. Email me at and we can figure out a time to play.


  manavtrehan wrote on 2009-09-29 21:16:47
Hii I stay in mira mesa..and very interested to join u no. 2484217370..level 2.5

  ad1977 wrote on 2009-10-21 18:15:47
hi guys..i m interested as well... i can play in eveings and me 619 400 7640

  singalashok wrote on 2011-04-22 18:12:08
Are you guys still playing Tennis? If yes, i am also interested in playing tennis over the weekends. if interested, email me at Thanks.

  nsiddana wrote on 2015-07-28 19:19:23
hi guys... are you still playing tennis.. ? if yes let me know i will join...

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